Friday, December 16, 2011

Meadow Path (Poem)

On the meadow path in the golden field
I came across a forlorn rosebush
Barely alive, but there was one bloom
Walked closer to observe the beauty

That red rose shined with a bright light
I stopped and reveled in the majesty
Wondered why the bush was lost in the meadow
Felt the sadness of that one amazing bloom

The flower both raised and lowered my spirits
Knew what I must do to get back on track
Ran back home to see what I could do
To nurture that magnificent plant

Found fertilizer, water, and shears
Went back out to that meadow singing
Clipped the deadwood off of the bush
Spread the fertilizer, watered the earth
And I waited…

And that last bloom shriveled up and died
And I hit the ground and cried in despair
But there were still a few green leaves left
I promised I would keep going back
And I waited…

The rain fell hard that very day
My tears joining the multitude of drops
For the leaves were gone; the branches brown
But there was one green shoot emerging

I threw all my energy into that sprout
And I waited….

And it happened! The sun came out again
The wet ground dried and much to my amazement
There were leaves on that lonely chute
And two buds beckoning better days ahead
And I waited…

For the beautiful blooms to emerge
As I knew they would!
For that meadow path would never the same
And the world became a better place

Image courtesy of

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