Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Deer in the Headlights - Epilogue

And the dear jumped out of the headlights of the oncoming car just in time…only to be surrounded by darkness.  Momentarily blinded, he stumbled around and became lost.  After wandering around aimlessly, he finally realized that he must regain his senses before trying to go anywhere or do anything.  He sought calm and slowly regained his composure.  That allowed him to use his keen nocturnal senses to find his direction and ultimately his way home.  As he walked home, he realized how thankful he was for the blessing of life.  When he arrived home, he realized how closely he came to losing that gift.  In gratitude, he promised to live his life fully, give of his talents unconditionally, and make a positive impact.  For life is a fragile, but amazing thing, and there is only one chance to live it.

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