Thursday, July 19, 2018


Diary of a Runner, July 18, 2018

Sometimes I meditate on a long run when I am running by myself.  Last evening I tried; however the internal voices demanded attention and they were not easy on me.  After all, how can I be easy on myself when I did the best I thought I could, yet it was pathetic…and my actions and behaviors led to deep pain, suffering, and scars that will last for years if not a lifetime?  Being a “Poor Me” by nature, it is so easy to fall into the trap of beating myself to a pulp, checking out of life, and wanting to avoid human contact.  However, what will that accomplish? The Universe did not put me here to hurt others; nor to use “Poor Me” as an excuse to avoid my life journey.

An Aboriginal proverb that is especially relevant: “We are all visitors to this place.  We are just passing through.  Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love, and then we return home.”  I will embrace both of these quotes as I close my eyes tonight.  And tomorrow is a new day.  I did the best I could yesterday.  I did the best I could today.  I shall do better tomorrow.  This is growth.  This is Purpose.  This is being alive.


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